OECD Consulting on Digital Tax

The OECDThe Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is an international organisation comprising 38 member countries, established to foster economic growth, trade, and development

NEW book: Transfer Pricing and Value Creation

Recently published:Petruzzi/TavaresTransfer PricingTransfer pricing is a fundamental concept in international taxation that defines the pricing methods and rules applied to transactions between related entities within

Pieterse TRM Erasmus INC win another tax matter against SARS

Pieterse TRM Erasmus Inc won another matter yesterday with SARSThe South African Revenue Service (SARS) is the official tax authority responsible for the administration and

Byrnes’ Comments on the OECD’s “Unified Approach” to Allocation of Profits of Digital Business

BEPS, DIGITAL SERVICES TAX, DIGITALIZATION, OECD, PERMANENT ESTABLISHMENTS, TRANSFER PRICING William Byrnes (Texas A&M University Law)/October 10, 2019  In my International Taxation class tomorrow (October 10th) we are going to discuss the  OECD’s

OECD leading multilateral efforts to address tax challenges from digitalisation of the economy

Today the OECDThe Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is an international organisation comprising 38 member countries, established to foster economic growth, trade, and