OECD: The Global Revenue Statistics Database

The Global Revenue Statistics Database provides the largest public source of harmonised tax revenue data, verified by countries and regional partners. Spanning more than 95 countries in all corners of the world, it provides a rich and accessible resource for policymakers and researchers, based on the internationally-recognised methodology set out in the OECD Revenue Statistics Interpretative Guide.

“The Global Revenue Statistics Database, which following the rapid expansion of the initiative in Africa and the Pacific now covers more than 95 countries in all regions of the world, sets the global standard for robust and comparable tax revenue data. It is a vital foundation for tax policy reform and in supporting efforts to raise domestic resources to fund development.”

Pascal Saint-AmansDirector, OECD Centre for Tax Policy and Administration

An OECD Taxation Working Paper provides more detail on the key findings from the initial release of the database @ 

More information about the classification and construction of the database can be found in the Technical Note @

Access the Interpretative Guide @


Access the Global Revenue Statistics Database @


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