Postgraduate Diploma in International Taxation Course Start Date: 31st March 2020

Brand new course to help grow your international taxation career in 2020…

Postgraduate Diploma in International Taxation
Course Start Date: 31st March 2020
Tutored Distance Learning
Created and delivered by the IITF

Convenor: Prof. Dr. Daniel N. Erasmus

Gain a firm grounding on all must-know International Taxation areas with our brand new Postgraduate Diploma in International Taxation.

This distance learning programme will provide you with a comprehensive grounding in all aspects of International Taxation enabling you to:
develop an in-depth and practical understanding of Cross Border taxation;
grow your skills and knowledge in an area of considerable commercial interest;
examine the latest policy developments and tax treatment of complex cross-border transactions that organizations need to deal with in an increasingly demanding regulatory environment;
undertake a flexible, online and part-time study that is tailored to work professionals who want to remain in full-time employment
improve your career prospects by gaining a high-level qualification without compromising your work commitments;
immediately apply everything you learn to your work and gain the 
professional skills and practical experience that businesses are looking for today.

Why wait?

Find out more about the course content at the link below.

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Core Modules

On this programme, you will study four in-depth modules that will address important issues within the sector and ensure you gain a thorough understanding of the topics before completing the final exam. These modules are:

Principles of International Taxation;
Jurisdiction of Taxation;
Transfer Pricing & Anti-Avoidance;
Treaties & Emerging Issues.

To see the full course content and find out what you will be studying in each of these modules, view the full course content at the button below.
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About Middlesex University
Middlesex University is a large London based university with a history in higher education dating from 1878. With campuses in London, Dubai, Malta and Mauritius, the institution offers courses through three academic faculties;
The Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries
The Faculty of Professional and Social Sciences (includes the Business School)
The Faculty of Science and Technology
Over 34,000 students are studying on Middlesex courses across the globe, making Middlesex University one of the largest providers of British higher education to international students.

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