S.Africa: Missed the NEW TAA Dispute Resolution seminar – here is the recording

Missed the NEW TAA Dispute Resolution seminar

Here is the recorded version:

I delivered a 4 hour detailed seminar on the NEW TAA Dispute Resolution rules (end Sept 2014) that will affect you as tax practitioner and taxpayer – should you end up having a dispute with SARS.

Letter of findings
Request for reasons
Request for reasons again
Test cases
Grounds of Assessment – caste in stone?
Grounds of objection – can you change these?
Applications to the Tax Court/Tax Board
and more…

Here is the link:

Once you have entered your details you will be given a link to download the recorded ONLINE seminar. Your payment is ALSO a credit towards a telephone consultation with me before December 15. There may be instances where you require my specific input.


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