South Africa Inland RevenueTax authorities are fundamental institutions within government frameworks, overseeing tax assessment, collection, and administration. Their operations ensure that tax laws are enforced and public funds are collected efficiently. This article delves into tax authorities' purpose, responsibilities, and structure, offering insights into their essential role in supporting government functions and economic stability. What is a Tax Authority? A tax authority is... More Updates Guidelines on Valuation of Assets for Capital Gains TaxCapital Gains Tax (CGT) is a tax imposed on the profit an individual or entity earns from the sale or disposal of a capital asset. This tax is not levied on the total sale price of the asset but rather on the capital gain, which is the difference between the asset’s acquisition cost (or “base cost”) and its sale price.... More
The South African Inland RevenueTax authorities are fundamental institutions within government frameworks, overseeing tax assessment, collection, and administration. Their operations ensure that tax laws are enforced and public funds are collected efficiently. This article delves into tax authorities' purpose, responsibilities, and structure, offering insights into their essential role in supporting government functions and economic stability. What is a Tax Authority? A tax authority is... More Aug. 19 published Issue No. 3 of the Guide on Valuation of Assets for Capital Gains TaxCapital Gains Tax (CGT) is a tax imposed on the profit an individual or entity earns from the sale or disposal of a capital asset. This tax is not levied on the total sale price of the asset but rather on the capital gain, which is the difference between the asset’s acquisition cost (or “base cost”) and its sale price.... More (CGTCapital Gains Tax (CGT) is a tax imposed on the profit an individual or entity earns from the sale or disposal of a capital asset. This tax is not levied on the total sale price of the asset but rather on the capital gain, which is the difference between the asset’s acquisition cost (or “base cost”) and its sale price.... More) Purposes. The guideline explains and provides examples of how to determine the market value of assets: 1) on the valuation date, which is generally Oct. 1, 2001, with some exceptions; and 2) outside of the valuation date, including pre-valuation assets and circumstances such as cessation and commencement of residence, death or donation, and connected person transactions at a non-arm’s length price. [South Africa, Revenue ServiceTax authorities are fundamental institutions within government frameworks, overseeing tax assessment, collection, and administration. Their operations ensure that tax laws are enforced and public funds are collected efficiently. This article delves into tax authorities' purpose, responsibilities, and structure, offering insights into their essential role in supporting government functions and economic stability. What is a Tax Authority? A tax authority is... More, 08/19/15]
Reference: View Guide on Valuation of Assets for CGTCapital Gains Tax (CGT) is a tax imposed on the profit an individual or entity earns from the sale or disposal of a capital asset. This tax is not levied on the total sale price of the asset but rather on the capital gain, which is the difference between the asset’s acquisition cost (or “base cost”) and its sale price.... More Purposes.
Do NOT ignore the historical valuation guide which created legitimate expectations back in 2001, so to the extent that SARSThe South African Revenue Service (SARS) is the official tax authority responsible for the administration and enforcement of tax laws in South Africa. It plays a crucial role in managing the country’s fiscal policy by collecting revenue, administering customs, and ensuring compliance with tax legislation. Established under the South African Revenue Service Act, No. 34 of 1997, SARS functions independently... More have changed this in the new guide, they a ‘married’ to their old directions to the extent this suits taxpayers. Please carefully review if exposed to CGTCapital Gains Tax (CGT) is a tax imposed on the profit an individual or entity earns from the sale or disposal of a capital asset. This tax is not levied on the total sale price of the asset but rather on the capital gain, which is the difference between the asset’s acquisition cost (or “base cost”) and its sale price.... More now based on pre-2001 assets :cgt valuations_guide