TPA Global tax webinars and workshops

This webinar is an excellent opportunity for CFOs, Heads of Tax and Transfer PricingTransfer pricing is a fundamental concept in international taxation that defines the pricing methods and rules applied to transactions between related entities within a multinational enterprise (MNE). In the context of tax regulations, it governs how prices for goods, services, or intangibles (such as intellectual property) are set when these items are exchanged between different branches, subsidiaries, or affiliates of... More:
To learn how to apply value chain analysis for risk monitoring and reporting
To understand tax controversy decision-making
To acquire knowledge on use of tax technology for full risk control
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In this informative webinar we will discuss the following:
Benefits of conducting a qualitative and quantitative value chain analysis
Presentation of qualitative value chain analysis techniques
How to conduct a quantitative value chain analysis?
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This local event gathers in-house transfer pricingTransfer pricing is a fundamental concept in international taxation that defines the pricing methods and rules applied to transactions between related entities within a multinational enterprise (MNE). In the context of tax regulations, it governs how prices for goods, services, or intangibles (such as intellectual property) are set when these items are exchanged between different branches, subsidiaries, or affiliates of... More professionals, leading advisers and senior policymakers to discuss the insights of the current TP environment and exchange valuable experiences in managing risks and exploring opportunities. TPA Global will be a panelist in the “Operational TP and Digitalisation” discussion. We will share our knowledge on:
Developing a group-wide tax technology strategy;
Building an effective operational TP environment; and
Utilizing existing systems and new tools to overcome data and process issues.
As TPA Global is sponsoring the event, our corporate guests can join the event for free!
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The BEPSBEPS stands for "Base Erosion and Profit Shifting". BEPS refers to tax avoidance strategies used by multinational enterprises (MNEs) to exploit gaps and mismatches in the international tax system. By shifting profits from high-tax jurisdictions to low- or no-tax locations, MNEs reduce their overall tax burden, even if little to no economic activity occurs in the low-tax jurisdictions. These practices erode... More Action Plans, in an attempt to tackle extreme cases of tax evasionTax Evasion refers to illegal activities or practices undertaken by individuals or businesses to avoid paying taxes. It involves intentionally misrepresenting or concealing income, inflating deductions, or underreporting earnings to reduce tax liability unlawfully. Unlike tax avoidance, which uses legal methods to minimize tax obligations, tax evasion is a criminal offence that carries significant penalties, including fines, imprisonment, and asset... More, have inevitably blurred the line between strategic tax planningTax planning is the process of organising and structuring one’s financial affairs in a manner that legally minimises tax liabilities while ensuring compliance with relevant tax laws. The primary objective of tax planning is to reduce the amount of taxes paid, optimise the use of available tax benefits, and preserve wealth. It can be applied at various levels, including personal... More and fraudulent tax evasionTax Evasion refers to illegal activities or practices undertaken by individuals or businesses to avoid paying taxes. It involves intentionally misrepresenting or concealing income, inflating deductions, or underreporting earnings to reduce tax liability unlawfully. Unlike tax avoidance, which uses legal methods to minimize tax obligations, tax evasion is a criminal offence that carries significant penalties, including fines, imprisonment, and asset... More for corporate taxpayers. This, coupled with latest publications of the OECDThe Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is an international organisation comprising 38 member countries, established to foster economic growth, trade, and development on a global scale. Founded in 1961, the OECD provides a forum for governments to collaborate, share policy experiences, and develop solutions to common economic challenges. The OECD's core mission is to promote policies that improve... More on ‘Fighting Tax Crime’ where taxpayers’ rights find a bleak mention as ‘suspects’ rights’ has given force to many governments to enact a number of aggressive (and often, unjust) regulations. With this objective in mind, we invite you to an informative webinar where we will discuss the following:
How to conduct a value chain analysis?
How to ensure consistency amongst your global filings?
How to identify which regulations impact your current or upcoming business model and how?
What types of dispute avoidance and management instruments are available?
How should you select a controversy management instrument most suited to your needs?
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