Advanced Postgraduate Diploma in Transfer Pricing

Advanced Postgraduate Diploma in Transfer Pricing
Course Start Date: 28th October 2019
Delivered by Tutored Distance Learning

Do you wish to develop an in-depth and practical understanding of Transfer Pricing as well as examine the latest policy developments and tax treatment of complex TP transactions that you and your organisation need to deal with in an increasingly demanding regulatory environment?

If so, you will be pleased to hear that along with gaining a deep understanding of all of the relevant Transfer Pricing topics including: how to choose the correct Transfer Pricing Method and how the more complex types of TP transactions are to be identified, treated, analysed and
priced in terms of OECD guidelines, on our Transfer Pricing Postgraduate Advanced Diploma you will: Be able to apply everything you learn to your current role immediately as the course has a very strong practical element. Learn entirely online, meaning you can study from anywhere in the world (with internet access). Study at a time and pace to suit you, so you can remain in full-time employment and take your development to the next stage. Why wait? Find out more about the course and the other areas of study when you 
download the course prospectus below:
Download Course Prospectus

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