Case Information
- Court: Federal Court of Australia
- Case Number: VID 53 of 2022; VID 55 of 2022; VID 56 of 2022; VID 57 of 2022; VID 74 of 2022; VID 82 of 2022
- Applicant: PepsiCo, Inc and Stokely-Van Camp, Inc (SVC)
- Defendant: Commissioner of Taxation
- Judgment Date: 30 November 2023
- Download the FULL JUDGMENT
Judgment Summary
This case, decided by the Federal Court of Australia on 30 November 2023, addressed key taxation issues involving royalty withholding tax and diverted profits taxDiverted Profits Tax (DPT) is a tax measure designed to counteract aggressive tax avoidance by multinational enterprises (MNEs). It aims to address arrangements where profits are artificially shifted to jurisdictions with lower tax rates or where transactions lack genuine economic substance. Introduced initially by the United Kingdom in 2015, DPT is sometimes informally called the "Google Tax" due to its... More in the context of multinational enterprisesWhat are Multinational Enterprises (MNEs)? Multinational Enterprises, commonly referred to as MNEs, are corporations that operate in multiple countries through various subsidiaries, branches, or affiliates. These entities maintain a central management structure while leveraging diverse resources, labour markets, and customer bases across borders. The fundamental aspect that distinguishes MNEs from other corporate forms is their cross-border activity, which can include... More (MNEsWhat are Multinational Enterprises (MNEs)? Multinational Enterprises, commonly referred to as MNEs, are corporations that operate in multiple countries through various subsidiaries, branches, or affiliates. These entities maintain a central management structure while leveraging diverse resources, labour markets, and customer bases across borders. The fundamental aspect that distinguishes MNEs from other corporate forms is their cross-border activity, which can include... More). PepsiCo, Inc and SVC, both US-based entities, entered into exclusive bottling agreements (EBAs) with Schweppes Australia Pty Ltd (SAPL), an Australian company. These agreements granted SAPL the right to manufacture, sell, and distribute beverages using PepsiCo’s trademarks and intellectual propertyIntellectual Property (IP) refers to creations of the mind, including inventions, literary and artistic works, symbols, names, images, and designs used in commerce. It grants creators exclusive legal rights to use and exploit their work, ensuring protection against unauthorised use or reproduction. These rights are critical in fostering innovation and creativity while providing economic value to individuals and organisations. IP... More, without explicitly stipulating royalty payments for intellectual propertyIntellectual Property (IP) refers to creations of the mind, including inventions, literary and artistic works, symbols, names, images, and designs used in commerce. It grants creators exclusive legal rights to use and exploit their work, ensuring protection against unauthorised use or reproduction. These rights are critical in fostering innovation and creativity while providing economic value to individuals and organisations. IP... More usage.
The Commissioner of Taxation argued that payments made by SAPL under these agreements constituted royalties and were therefore subject to royalty withholding tax under section 128B of the Income TaxIncome Tax is a direct levy imposed by governments on the income generated by individuals, corporations, and other entities within a specific jurisdiction. It serves as a major source of revenue for governments and funds various public expenditures, such as infrastructure projects, healthcare, education, national security, and welfare programs. The tax is generally calculated as a percentage of the taxable... MoreTax AssessmentA tax assessment is a formal determination made by a tax authority to calculate the amount of tax an individual or entity owes. It is a comprehensive evaluation based on financial records, declared income, expenses, deductions, and any applicable tax laws or regulations. Tax assessments may arise from routine self-assessments by taxpayers, or they may be conducted by revenue authorities... More Act 1936 and the US-Australia Double Tax Agreement. Alternatively, if the withholding tax did not apply, the Commissioner sought to levy diverted profits taxDiverted Profits Tax (DPT) is a tax measure designed to counteract aggressive tax avoidance by multinational enterprises (MNEs). It aims to address arrangements where profits are artificially shifted to jurisdictions with lower tax rates or where transactions lack genuine economic substance. Introduced initially by the United Kingdom in 2015, DPT is sometimes informally called the "Google Tax" due to its... More, asserting that the agreements aimed to secure tax benefits.
The Court ruled that a portion of the payments did constitute royalties and were subject to withholding tax at a rate of 5%. The judgment also highlighted the CUPThe Comparable Uncontrolled Price (CUP) Method is a transfer pricing approach that assesses whether the price charged in an intercompany transaction between related entities is consistent with the arm’s length principle. The arm’s length principle, a fundamental concept in transfer pricing, requires that the conditions of a transaction between associated enterprises be equivalent to those which would have been agreed... More (Comparable Uncontrolled Price) method in determining the royalty rate, ultimately applying a revised rate of 5.88% of SAPL’s net revenue. The Commissioner’s alternative contention regarding diverted profits taxDiverted Profits Tax (DPT) is a tax measure designed to counteract aggressive tax avoidance by multinational enterprises (MNEs). It aims to address arrangements where profits are artificially shifted to jurisdictions with lower tax rates or where transactions lack genuine economic substance. Introduced initially by the United Kingdom in 2015, DPT is sometimes informally called the "Google Tax" due to its... More was deemed unnecessary due to the application of royalty withholding tax.
This judgment underscores the complexity of taxing intellectual propertyIntellectual Property (IP) refers to creations of the mind, including inventions, literary and artistic works, symbols, names, images, and designs used in commerce. It grants creators exclusive legal rights to use and exploit their work, ensuring protection against unauthorised use or reproduction. These rights are critical in fostering innovation and creativity while providing economic value to individuals and organisations. IP... More within MNEWhat are Multinational Enterprises (MNEs)? Multinational Enterprises, commonly referred to as MNEs, are corporations that operate in multiple countries through various subsidiaries, branches, or affiliates. These entities maintain a central management structure while leveraging diverse resources, labour markets, and customer bases across borders. The fundamental aspect that distinguishes MNEs from other corporate forms is their cross-border activity, which can include... More structures, the role of implied licenses in agreements, and the growing importance of expert evidence in determining transfer pricingTransfer pricing is a fundamental concept in international taxation that defines the pricing methods and rules applied to transactions between related entities within a multinational enterprise (MNE). In the context of tax regulations, it governs how prices for goods, services, or intangibles (such as intellectual property) are set when these items are exchanged between different branches, subsidiaries, or affiliates of... More disputes.