BEPS Action 10
BEPSBEPS stands for "Base Erosion and Profit Shifting". BEPS refers to tax avoidance strategies used by multinational enterprises (MNEs) to exploit gaps and mismatches in the international tax system. By shifting profits from high-tax jurisdictions to low- or no-tax locations, MNEs reduce their overall tax burden, even if little to no economic activity occurs in the low-tax jurisdictions. These practices erode... More (Base Erosion and Profit ShiftingBEPS stands for "Base Erosion and Profit Shifting". BEPS refers to tax avoidance strategies used by multinational enterprises (MNEs) to exploit gaps and mismatches in the international tax system. By shifting profits from high-tax jurisdictions to low- or no-tax locations, MNEs reduce their overall tax burden, even if little to no economic activity occurs in the low-tax jurisdictions. These practices erode... More) Action 10 is part of the OECD’s BEPSBEPS stands for "Base Erosion and Profit Shifting". BEPS refers to tax avoidance strategies used by multinational enterprises (MNEs) to exploit gaps and mismatches in the international tax system. By shifting profits from high-tax jurisdictions to low- or no-tax locations, MNEs reduce their overall tax burden, even if little to no economic activity occurs in the low-tax jurisdictions. These practices erode... More initiative, which seeks to align transfer pricingTransfer pricing is a fundamental concept in international taxation that defines the pricing methods and rules applied to transactions between related entities within a multinational enterprise (MNE). In the context of tax regulations, it governs how prices for goods, services, or intangibles (such as intellectual property) are set when these items are exchanged between different branches, subsidiaries, or affiliates of... More outcomes with value creation and prevent tax avoidanceTax avoidance refers to the practice of legally structuring financial activities to minimise tax liability, reducing the amount of tax owed without violating laws. Unlike tax evasion, which is illegal and involves concealing income or misreporting, tax avoidance operates within the framework of the law. Multinational enterprises (MNEs) and individuals often engage in tax planning strategies that reduce tax liabilities... More through manipulative practices. Specifically, Action 10 addresses the use of high-risk transactions between multinational enterprise (MNEWhat are Multinational Enterprises (MNEs)? Multinational Enterprises, commonly referred to as MNEs, are corporations that operate in multiple countries through various subsidiaries, branches, or affiliates. These entities maintain a central management structure while leveraging diverse resources, labour markets, and customer bases across borders. The fundamental aspect that distinguishes MNEs from other corporate forms is their cross-border activity, which can include... More) group members that may not align with the arm’s length principleThe Arm’s Length Principle (ALP) is a cornerstone concept in international taxation and transfer pricing. It requires that transactions between related parties, such as subsidiaries or affiliates within a multinational enterprise (MNE), mirror those that would occur between independent entities under similar circumstances. This principle ensures that each entity within an MNE is compensated fairly and transparently, based on the... More. It aims to limit the opportunities for base erosion through transactions that would otherwise be priced inappropriately, such as management feesManagement fees refer to charges imposed by a parent company or central management entity within a multinational group for providing centralised services to its subsidiaries or associated enterprises. These services typically include administrative, strategic, technical, or operational support. Management fees are often structured to cover costs incurred by the parent company and are allocated to benefiting entities under transfer pricing... More, low-value-adding intra-group servicesFOR MORE INSIGHT ON INTRA-GROUP SERVICES, PLEASE READ THIS ARTICLE: Intra-Group Services: Guidelines, Examples, and Risk Management Strategies Intra-Group Services refer to activities performed by one entity within a multinational enterprise (MNE) group that benefit one or more associated enterprises. These services may include administrative, technical, financial, or commercial assistance provided by a central company to its affiliates. A primary... More, and the use of intangible assetsIntangible Assets are non-physical assets that have value due to the rights or advantages they confer on a business. Unlike tangible assets like machinery or buildings, intangible assets cannot be seen or touched but often hold significant worth. Common examples include intellectual property (IP) such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, goodwill, and brand recognition. Intangible assets are crucial for driving long-term... More.
Primary Goal
The key objective of BEPSBEPS stands for "Base Erosion and Profit Shifting". BEPS refers to tax avoidance strategies used by multinational enterprises (MNEs) to exploit gaps and mismatches in the international tax system. By shifting profits from high-tax jurisdictions to low- or no-tax locations, MNEs reduce their overall tax burden, even if little to no economic activity occurs in the low-tax jurisdictions. These practices erode... More Action 10 is to ensure that profit allocations within MNEsWhat are Multinational Enterprises (MNEs)? Multinational Enterprises, commonly referred to as MNEs, are corporations that operate in multiple countries through various subsidiaries, branches, or affiliates. These entities maintain a central management structure while leveraging diverse resources, labour markets, and customer bases across borders. The fundamental aspect that distinguishes MNEs from other corporate forms is their cross-border activity, which can include... More are consistent with the economic activities generating those profits. It focuses on aligning transfer pricingTransfer pricing is a fundamental concept in international taxation that defines the pricing methods and rules applied to transactions between related entities within a multinational enterprise (MNE). In the context of tax regulations, it governs how prices for goods, services, or intangibles (such as intellectual property) are set when these items are exchanged between different branches, subsidiaries, or affiliates of... More rules with value creation to curb the artificial shifting of profits. The guidance under Action 10 strengthens the requirements for demonstrating the commercial rationale and economic substanceEconomic substance is a foundational principle in taxation and business law, ensuring that transactions and corporate structures reflect genuine economic reality beyond their legal form. The concept aims to prevent tax avoidance by evaluating whether a transaction or arrangement has a real business purpose and economic effect other than merely achieving a tax benefit. It ensures that taxpayers cannot exploit... More of intra-group transactionsIntra-Group Transactions are interactions between entities within the same multinational enterprise (MNE). Such transactions form the backbone of related-party dealings and are essential in managing global operations and aligning business objectives across jurisdictions. Understanding intra-group transactions is critical in international tax and transfer pricing, as they directly impact a company's tax obligations, profitability, and compliance standing. Tax professionals, accountants, lawyers,... More.
Key Components of BEPSBEPS stands for "Base Erosion and Profit Shifting". BEPS refers to tax avoidance strategies used by multinational enterprises (MNEs) to exploit gaps and mismatches in the international tax system. By shifting profits from high-tax jurisdictions to low- or no-tax locations, MNEs reduce their overall tax burden, even if little to no economic activity occurs in the low-tax jurisdictions. These practices erode... More Action 10
- Transfer Pricing AdjustmentsTransfer Pricing Adjustments are modifications made to the pricing of transactions between related entities within a multinational enterprise (MNE) by tax authorities or the MNE itself. These adjustments are carried out to ensure compliance with the arm’s length principle, which stipulates that prices for intercompany transactions should reflect what independent parties would have agreed upon under similar circumstances. The arm’s... More: Action 10 provides specific guidance on addressing the pricing of transactions that may not meet the arm’s length standard.
- Low-Value Intra-Group ServicesFOR MORE INSIGHT ON INTRA-GROUP SERVICES, PLEASE READ THIS ARTICLE: Intra-Group Services: Guidelines, Examples, and Risk Management Strategies Intra-Group Services refer to activities performed by one entity within a multinational enterprise (MNE) group that benefit one or more associated enterprises. These services may include administrative, technical, financial, or commercial assistance provided by a central company to its affiliates. A primary... More: One significant focus is on low-value-adding servicesLow-value-adding services (LVAS) are intra-group services provided within multinational enterprises (MNEs) that are generally considered supportive in nature, lack significant value creation, and are not core to business operations. According to the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines, LVAS are characterized by their routine and ancillary function, low risk, and minimal contribution to profit generation. Common examples include administrative support, IT services,... More, where Action 10 offers simplified approaches to reduce compliance burdens while ensuring appropriate profit allocations.
- Risk and Capital Considerations: The OECDThe Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is an international organisation comprising 38 member countries, established to foster economic growth, trade, and development on a global scale. Founded in 1961, the OECD provides a forum for governments to collaborate, share policy experiences, and develop solutions to common economic challenges. The OECD's core mission is to promote policies that improve... More emphasises the appropriate allocation of risks and capital, ensuring that risks assumed by an entity correspond to its ability to control and manage those risks.
- Transactional Profit Split Method: In complex scenarios involving intangible assetsIntangible Assets are non-physical assets that have value due to the rights or advantages they confer on a business. Unlike tangible assets like machinery or buildings, intangible assets cannot be seen or touched but often hold significant worth. Common examples include intellectual property (IP) such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, goodwill, and brand recognition. Intangible assets are crucial for driving long-term... More, Action 10 highlights the use of profit split methods to reflect the contributions of multiple group entities.
Examples of BEPSBEPS stands for "Base Erosion and Profit Shifting". BEPS refers to tax avoidance strategies used by multinational enterprises (MNEs) to exploit gaps and mismatches in the international tax system. By shifting profits from high-tax jurisdictions to low- or no-tax locations, MNEs reduce their overall tax burden, even if little to no economic activity occurs in the low-tax jurisdictions. These practices erode... More Action 10 in Practice
Allocation of Management FeesManagement fees refer to charges imposed by a parent company or central management entity within a multinational group for providing centralised services to its subsidiaries or associated enterprises. These services typically include administrative, strategic, technical, or operational support. Management fees are often structured to cover costs incurred by the parent company and are allocated to benefiting entities under transfer pricing... More in MNEsWhat are Multinational Enterprises (MNEs)? Multinational Enterprises, commonly referred to as MNEs, are corporations that operate in multiple countries through various subsidiaries, branches, or affiliates. These entities maintain a central management structure while leveraging diverse resources, labour markets, and customer bases across borders. The fundamental aspect that distinguishes MNEs from other corporate forms is their cross-border activity, which can include... More
A multinational corporation allocates management feesManagement fees refer to charges imposed by a parent company or central management entity within a multinational group for providing centralised services to its subsidiaries or associated enterprises. These services typically include administrative, strategic, technical, or operational support. Management fees are often structured to cover costs incurred by the parent company and are allocated to benefiting entities under transfer pricing... More from a head office in Country A to various subsidiaries in different jurisdictions. Before the implementation of BEPSBEPS stands for "Base Erosion and Profit Shifting". BEPS refers to tax avoidance strategies used by multinational enterprises (MNEs) to exploit gaps and mismatches in the international tax system. By shifting profits from high-tax jurisdictions to low- or no-tax locations, MNEs reduce their overall tax burden, even if little to no economic activity occurs in the low-tax jurisdictions. These practices erode... More Action 10, these fees might have been set arbitrarily, reducing taxable incomeThe tax base is a fundamental concept in taxation, representing the total amount of economic activity or assets upon which a tax is levied. It is the foundation upon which governments calculate the amount of tax owed, based on factors like income, property value, sales, or corporate profits. Understanding the tax base is essential for tax professionals, businesses, and policymakers,... More in higher-tax jurisdictions. Under Action 10, MNEsWhat are Multinational Enterprises (MNEs)? Multinational Enterprises, commonly referred to as MNEs, are corporations that operate in multiple countries through various subsidiaries, branches, or affiliates. These entities maintain a central management structure while leveraging diverse resources, labour markets, and customer bases across borders. The fundamental aspect that distinguishes MNEs from other corporate forms is their cross-border activity, which can include... More must provide robust evidence that these fees are consistent with the arm’s length principleThe Arm’s Length Principle (ALP) is a cornerstone concept in international taxation and transfer pricing. It requires that transactions between related parties, such as subsidiaries or affiliates within a multinational enterprise (MNE), mirror those that would occur between independent entities under similar circumstances. This principle ensures that each entity within an MNE is compensated fairly and transparently, based on the... More. For instance, documentation must detail the services provided, their economic benefit to the subsidiaries, and comparable market prices for such services. If an MNEWhat are Multinational Enterprises (MNEs)? Multinational Enterprises, commonly referred to as MNEs, are corporations that operate in multiple countries through various subsidiaries, branches, or affiliates. These entities maintain a central management structure while leveraging diverse resources, labour markets, and customer bases across borders. The fundamental aspect that distinguishes MNEs from other corporate forms is their cross-border activity, which can include... More cannot justify the economic substanceEconomic substance is a foundational principle in taxation and business law, ensuring that transactions and corporate structures reflect genuine economic reality beyond their legal form. The concept aims to prevent tax avoidance by evaluating whether a transaction or arrangement has a real business purpose and economic effect other than merely achieving a tax benefit. It ensures that taxpayers cannot exploit... More of these charges, tax authorities may disallow deductions, increasing the MNE’s taxable base.
Use of Intangible AssetsIntangible Assets are non-physical assets that have value due to the rights or advantages they confer on a business. Unlike tangible assets like machinery or buildings, intangible assets cannot be seen or touched but often hold significant worth. Common examples include intellectual property (IP) such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, goodwill, and brand recognition. Intangible assets are crucial for driving long-term... More
Consider a case where an MNEWhat are Multinational Enterprises (MNEs)? Multinational Enterprises, commonly referred to as MNEs, are corporations that operate in multiple countries through various subsidiaries, branches, or affiliates. These entities maintain a central management structure while leveraging diverse resources, labour markets, and customer bases across borders. The fundamental aspect that distinguishes MNEs from other corporate forms is their cross-border activity, which can include... More transfers the rights to a valuable brand or patent to a low-tax jurisdiction. The subsidiary in the low-tax jurisdiction collects substantial royalty payments from related entities using the brand. Under BEPSBEPS stands for "Base Erosion and Profit Shifting". BEPS refers to tax avoidance strategies used by multinational enterprises (MNEs) to exploit gaps and mismatches in the international tax system. By shifting profits from high-tax jurisdictions to low- or no-tax locations, MNEs reduce their overall tax burden, even if little to no economic activity occurs in the low-tax jurisdictions. These practices erode... More Action 10, tax authorities examine whether the subsidiary has the economic substanceEconomic substance is a foundational principle in taxation and business law, ensuring that transactions and corporate structures reflect genuine economic reality beyond their legal form. The concept aims to prevent tax avoidance by evaluating whether a transaction or arrangement has a real business purpose and economic effect other than merely achieving a tax benefit. It ensures that taxpayers cannot exploit... More to own and manage the intangible assetIntangible Assets are non-physical assets that have value due to the rights or advantages they confer on a business. Unlike tangible assets like machinery or buildings, intangible assets cannot be seen or touched but often hold significant worth. Common examples include intellectual property (IP) such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, goodwill, and brand recognition. Intangible assets are crucial for driving long-term... More. For instance, does it have the technical staff, decision-making capacity, and infrastructure to control the risk associated with the brand? If not, tax authorities may allocate profits back to the jurisdictions where the development and management of the intangible assetIntangible Assets are non-physical assets that have value due to the rights or advantages they confer on a business. Unlike tangible assets like machinery or buildings, intangible assets cannot be seen or touched but often hold significant worth. Common examples include intellectual property (IP) such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, goodwill, and brand recognition. Intangible assets are crucial for driving long-term... More occur. This approach prevents artificial profit shiftingProfit Shifting is a strategic practice employed by multinational enterprises (MNEs) to reduce their global tax liability by shifting profits from high-tax jurisdictions to low- or no-tax jurisdictions. The primary method involves transferring income-generating activities, intangible assets, or other high-value components within the group to countries with favourable tax regimes. Profit Shifting is a critical concern for tax authorities and... More to low-tax jurisdictions.
Low-Value-Adding Intra-Group ServicesFOR MORE INSIGHT ON INTRA-GROUP SERVICES, PLEASE READ THIS ARTICLE: Intra-Group Services: Guidelines, Examples, and Risk Management Strategies Intra-Group Services refer to activities performed by one entity within a multinational enterprise (MNE) group that benefit one or more associated enterprises. These services may include administrative, technical, financial, or commercial assistance provided by a central company to its affiliates. A primary... More
A scenario involves an MNEWhat are Multinational Enterprises (MNEs)? Multinational Enterprises, commonly referred to as MNEs, are corporations that operate in multiple countries through various subsidiaries, branches, or affiliates. These entities maintain a central management structure while leveraging diverse resources, labour markets, and customer bases across borders. The fundamental aspect that distinguishes MNEs from other corporate forms is their cross-border activity, which can include... More that provides low-value-adding servicesLow-value-adding services (LVAS) are intra-group services provided within multinational enterprises (MNEs) that are generally considered supportive in nature, lack significant value creation, and are not core to business operations. According to the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines, LVAS are characterized by their routine and ancillary function, low risk, and minimal contribution to profit generation. Common examples include administrative support, IT services,... More, such as IT support or administrative functions, across its global entities. Action 10 allows the use of a simplified approach for these services, limiting the markup to a specified range (e.g., 5%). For instance, a European subsidiary that receives IT support from a central service provider within the MNEWhat are Multinational Enterprises (MNEs)? Multinational Enterprises, commonly referred to as MNEs, are corporations that operate in multiple countries through various subsidiaries, branches, or affiliates. These entities maintain a central management structure while leveraging diverse resources, labour markets, and customer bases across borders. The fundamental aspect that distinguishes MNEs from other corporate forms is their cross-border activity, which can include... More must document the cost allocationCost Allocation involves assigning common or indirect costs—such as administrative expenses, research and development (R&D) costs, or IT infrastructure fees—to the business units that benefit from them. This allocation is based on a pre-determined formula or allocation key that reflects the proportionate use or benefit derived by each unit. Methods for cost allocation can vary, but common allocation keys include... More methodology. If the markup exceeds the acceptable range or lacks justification, tax authorities may challenge the transfer pricingTransfer pricing is a fundamental concept in international taxation that defines the pricing methods and rules applied to transactions between related entities within a multinational enterprise (MNE). In the context of tax regulations, it governs how prices for goods, services, or intangibles (such as intellectual property) are set when these items are exchanged between different branches, subsidiaries, or affiliates of... More arrangements and enforce adjustments to reflect the arm’s length standard.
Cases/Judgments Involving BEPSBEPS stands for "Base Erosion and Profit Shifting". BEPS refers to tax avoidance strategies used by multinational enterprises (MNEs) to exploit gaps and mismatches in the international tax system. By shifting profits from high-tax jurisdictions to low- or no-tax locations, MNEs reduce their overall tax burden, even if little to no economic activity occurs in the low-tax jurisdictions. These practices erode... More Action 10
Coca-Cola Company v. Commissioner (United States)
In this landmark case, the IRS challenged Coca-Cola’s profit allocations between its US and foreign subsidiaries. The IRS argued that the pricing arrangements violated the arm’s length principleThe Arm’s Length Principle (ALP) is a cornerstone concept in international taxation and transfer pricing. It requires that transactions between related parties, such as subsidiaries or affiliates within a multinational enterprise (MNE), mirror those that would occur between independent entities under similar circumstances. This principle ensures that each entity within an MNE is compensated fairly and transparently, based on the... More, particularly concerning intangible property royalties. The court highlighted the importance of economic substanceEconomic substance is a foundational principle in taxation and business law, ensuring that transactions and corporate structures reflect genuine economic reality beyond their legal form. The concept aims to prevent tax avoidance by evaluating whether a transaction or arrangement has a real business purpose and economic effect other than merely achieving a tax benefit. It ensures that taxpayers cannot exploit... More, which is central to BEPSBEPS stands for "Base Erosion and Profit Shifting". BEPS refers to tax avoidance strategies used by multinational enterprises (MNEs) to exploit gaps and mismatches in the international tax system. By shifting profits from high-tax jurisdictions to low- or no-tax locations, MNEs reduce their overall tax burden, even if little to no economic activity occurs in the low-tax jurisdictions. These practices erode... More Action 10, reinforcing that profit allocations must correspond with the value creation activities of the MNEWhat are Multinational Enterprises (MNEs)? Multinational Enterprises, commonly referred to as MNEs, are corporations that operate in multiple countries through various subsidiaries, branches, or affiliates. These entities maintain a central management structure while leveraging diverse resources, labour markets, and customer bases across borders. The fundamental aspect that distinguishes MNEs from other corporate forms is their cross-border activity, which can include... More.
GlaxoSmithKline (Canada) Transfer PricingTransfer pricing is a fundamental concept in international taxation that defines the pricing methods and rules applied to transactions between related entities within a multinational enterprise (MNE). In the context of tax regulations, it governs how prices for goods, services, or intangibles (such as intellectual property) are set when these items are exchanged between different branches, subsidiaries, or affiliates of... More Dispute
This case revolved around the arm’s length pricing of pharmaceutical products sold between related entities in Canada and Europe. The Canadian Revenue Agency questioned the markups applied, and although the case predated BEPSBEPS stands for "Base Erosion and Profit Shifting". BEPS refers to tax avoidance strategies used by multinational enterprises (MNEs) to exploit gaps and mismatches in the international tax system. By shifting profits from high-tax jurisdictions to low- or no-tax locations, MNEs reduce their overall tax burden, even if little to no economic activity occurs in the low-tax jurisdictions. These practices erode... More Action 10, it emphasised the need for proper documentation and justification for related-party transactionsIntra-Group Transactions are interactions between entities within the same multinational enterprise (MNE). Such transactions form the backbone of related-party dealings and are essential in managing global operations and aligning business objectives across jurisdictions. Understanding intra-group transactions is critical in international tax and transfer pricing, as they directly impact a company's tax obligations, profitability, and compliance standing. Tax professionals, accountants, lawyers,... More. Action 10 builds on these principles to ensure such disputes are mitigated in the future.
Amazon EU S.à r.l. v. Commission (European Union)
Amazon’s transfer pricingTransfer pricing is a fundamental concept in international taxation that defines the pricing methods and rules applied to transactions between related entities within a multinational enterprise (MNE). In the context of tax regulations, it governs how prices for goods, services, or intangibles (such as intellectual property) are set when these items are exchanged between different branches, subsidiaries, or affiliates of... More practices involving intangible assetsIntangible Assets are non-physical assets that have value due to the rights or advantages they confer on a business. Unlike tangible assets like machinery or buildings, intangible assets cannot be seen or touched but often hold significant worth. Common examples include intellectual property (IP) such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, goodwill, and brand recognition. Intangible assets are crucial for driving long-term... More held in Luxembourg came under scrutiny for state aidState Aid refers to financial assistance provided by public bodies, typically governments, which can selectively benefit certain businesses or industries. This concept is critical in European Union (EU) law, where such support can distort competition and trade within the single market. State Aid, regulated under EU law, aims to ensure fair competition and prevent Member States from favouring local businesses... More violations. Although not directly under BEPSBEPS stands for "Base Erosion and Profit Shifting". BEPS refers to tax avoidance strategies used by multinational enterprises (MNEs) to exploit gaps and mismatches in the international tax system. By shifting profits from high-tax jurisdictions to low- or no-tax locations, MNEs reduce their overall tax burden, even if little to no economic activity occurs in the low-tax jurisdictions. These practices erode... More Action 10, the case illustrates the growing importance of ensuring that profits associated with intangibles align with value creation activities, a principle reinforced by BEPSBEPS stands for "Base Erosion and Profit Shifting". BEPS refers to tax avoidance strategies used by multinational enterprises (MNEs) to exploit gaps and mismatches in the international tax system. By shifting profits from high-tax jurisdictions to low- or no-tax locations, MNEs reduce their overall tax burden, even if little to no economic activity occurs in the low-tax jurisdictions. These practices erode... More Action 10. The case demonstrates how tax authorities are increasingly using BEPSBEPS stands for "Base Erosion and Profit Shifting". BEPS refers to tax avoidance strategies used by multinational enterprises (MNEs) to exploit gaps and mismatches in the international tax system. By shifting profits from high-tax jurisdictions to low- or no-tax locations, MNEs reduce their overall tax burden, even if little to no economic activity occurs in the low-tax jurisdictions. These practices erode... More guidelines to address profit-shifting strategies.