IT Lecture week 24 – International Tax Structuring

This lecture will most likely be given by a guest lecturer who specializes in international tax structuring.

The reading requirements are:

14 16 2018 Anti ­abuse legislation The Importance of Substance in a Private Equity Fund Context

14 16 anti-avoidance how robust is a Structured Finance Deal

Read the double-dip leasing example in Chapter 1.4 of your Primer again – 1 Chapter Introduction on page 11


International Tax- Tax Havens and Tax Avoidance report – look at:

Where Are the Tax Havens? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 3

Methods of Corporate TaxTax Avoidance ………………………………………………………………………………… 9

Methods of Avoidance and Evasion by Individuals …………………………………………………………….. 24

Narrower Provisions Affecting Multinational Profit Shifting …………………………………………. 32

Options to Address Individual Evasion …………………………………………………………………………….. 34

HYBRID COMPANIES – read about this interesting type of company that ‘acts’ like a trust, but is not a trust, and could be useful to side-step certain anti-avoidance provisions (eg. CFC rules) aimed at passive income receipts by trusts. Look at this and think about what anti-avoidance rules may apply.

Study these structures and identify the potential international tax issues, by looking at the IOFC checklist above, and the controversial issues raised in the report/articles above on anti abuse/anti avoidance:


REVISED Lecture Tax Planning – Seminar Diagram Final

Also take a look at these recent anti-avoidance developments again:

14 16 BEPS OECD Harmful Tax Practices ‑ 2017 Progress Report on Preferential Regimes

This is a list of countries with ant-avoidance provisions: 14 16 Country Summary International Anti Avoidance provisions

Victor Thuronyi Comparative Tax Law – eBook, especially:

5.1 In General 133

5.2 Conflicting Maxims 136

5.3 Country Practice 137

5.4 Tax Avoidance: Introduction 150

5.5 Tax Avoidance and Evasion 154

5.6 Sham Transactions, Simulation, and Abuse of Law 157

5.7 General Anti-Avoidance Rules 160

Related Articles

S.Africa: Summary of the Davis Tax Committee’s BEPS Sub-committee General Report released December 2014

Summary of the Davis Tax Committee’s BEPS Sub-committee General Report released December 2014 by Peter Dachs of ENS Introduction This note provides a summary of
