Mauritius: MAURITIUS LEAKS Treasure Island: Leak Reveals How Mauritius Siphons Tax From Poor Nations To Benefit Elites
Based on 200,000 files, Mauritius Leaks exposes a sophisticated system that diverts tax revenueTax Revenue is the income collected by governments through various taxes imposed on individuals, corporations, and transactions. It is a primary source of funding for public expenditures, including infrastructure, healthcare, education, and social services. Tax revenue can come from different types of taxes, such as income tax, corporate tax, value-added tax (VAT), excise duties, and customs tariffs. The level and... More from poor nations back to the coffers of Western corporations and African oligarchs.
These expose articles are of concern for anyone doing business through Mauritius. To address your concerns please email
Here is a RESPONSE FROM a Mauritian TrustA comprehensive look at trusts in international tax law, including definitions, practical examples, key cases, and synonyms. More Company:
Here is a RESPONSE: