OECD and EU updates on TP related issues

OECD consults on “Pillar Two” global minimum tax proposal

November 8, 2019

The OECD Secretariat today released a consultation document to assist in the design of a . .

The OECD’s ‘Unified Approach” to digital taxation

November 8, 2019

George L. Salis, Principal Economist & Tax Policy Advisor at Vertex, Inc., King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, discusses the OECD effort revise the tax rules applicable to the digital economy and the UN’s reaction to these developments . . .

EU Code of Conduct Group proposes changes to tax blacklist

November 7, 2019

Davide Anghileri, University of Lausanne, Switzerland discusses the EU Code of Conduct Group’s November 4 recommendations for changes to the EU tax blacklist . ..


OECD releases more guidance on implementing country-by-country reporting standards

November 5, 2019

The OECD today released additional guidance for tax administrations and multinational groups on the implementation and operation of country-by-country reporting. The . .

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