TP Lecture week 26 and 27 – Compliance Part I and II

FINAL EXAM LECTURE … listen, make notes and pay attention to the pre-recorded lectures below and the references in the accompanying slide:

Intro to TP with updates:

Pre-recorded preparation lectures for the lecture ABOVE:

Compliance Part I :

Case Study referred to: lecture DISPUTES transfer pricing and dispute resolution chapter 17 case study

Action Plans on BEPS:

Tax Risk Management Book by Prof. Dr. DN Erasmus:

Compliance Part II :

TP OECD Draft-Handbook-TP-Risk-Assessment-ENG

Follow curriculum – Reading:

OECD TPG Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administration July 2017

week 26- Chapter V

week 27 – Chapter IV: Parts A, B, E

BEPS Action 13 Transfer Pricing Documentation and country by country reporting

General ongoing reading as the courses advance, reading about 10 pages a week to gain an overview understanding: 
An Overview of Transfer Pricing by IBFD

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