REGISTER NOW – Webcast #7: Update on BEPS Project


Webcast #7: Update on BEPS Project

Date: Monday, 8 June 2015

New time: 5:00PM – 6:00PM CET (Paris time)


Thank you for registering for our BEPS webcasts. Join senior members of the OECD’s Centre for Tax Policy and Administration (CTPA) as they give the latest update on the OECD/G20 BEPS Project.

Please note the webcast has a new start time of 5:00PM CET (Paris time).

Topics covered:

[if !supportLists]·         [endif]Progress report on the BEPS deliverables

[if !supportLists]·         [endif]Discussion drafts and public consultations (consult the updated calendar)

[if !supportLists]·         [endif]Developing countries’ engagement and input

[if !supportLists]·         [endif]Schedule for release of finalised BEPS package


To join the online event

[if !supportLists]·         [endif]Please click here to join the online event (or copy and paste this link into your browser: and log in. If you have forgotten your password, click on “Forgot your password?”.

[if !supportLists]·         [endif]Follow us @OECDlive and stay tuned during the event via #BEPS.

Live Q&A session
Have a specific question you would like us to cover during the webcast? Submit your questions in advance by email to CTP.BEPS@oecd

Further information

Any questions concerning the webcast should be addressed to or visit




Centre for Tax Policy and Administration


2, rue André Pascal – 75775 Paris Cedex 16
Tel: +33 1 45 24 82 40  ||

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