Transfer Pricing course contents table of reading materials by lecture
TRANSFER PRICING COURSE – Lectures, tutorials, assignments – reading materials
General ongoing reading as the courses advance:
1. reading about 10 pages a week to gain an overview understanding:
2. 6 Chapter Transfer Pricing B Arnold International Tax Primer 3rd ed
3. PWC International TP 2015-16:
Part 1: Developing defensible transfer pricing policies
Categories of inter-company transfer…..9
The work of the OECD…………………….25
Establishing a transfer pricing policy – practical considerations………………..47
Specific issues in transfer pricing………71
Managing changes to a transfer pricing policy……………………………….101
Dealing with an audit of transfer pricing by a tax authority………………..115
Financial services………………………….121
Transfer pricing and indirect taxes…..139
Procedures for achieving an offsetting adjustment…………………….157
The OECD’s BEPS Action Plan………….165
5. 11-13 UN Practical Manual on Transfer Pricing for Developing Countries, 2017
Start your Assignment 3 preparation now – start reading the EXTENSIVE DOCUMENTS: the pre-trial filing of Coca-cola to the US tax court, and the long list of supporting articles, and start summarizing the case using the principles in This may appear as a key exam question as well. The coca-cola case pre-trial document and articles can be found here:
If you want to work through practical problems, a good publication is Elizabeth King, Transfer Pricing and Corporate Taxation: Problems, Practical Implications and Proposed Solutions, Kindle edition (2009):Part III Case Studies:
TRANSFER PRICING COURSE – Lectures, tutorials, assignments – reading materials
Lecture 1: TP Legal Framework
Lecture 2: TP Legal Framework
Lecture 3: TP Legal Framework
Lecture 4: TP Legal Framework
Lecture 5: ALP and introduction to comparability
Lecture 6: Functional Analysis
Lecture 7: TP Methods
Lecture 8: TP Methods
Lecture 9: TP Methods
Lecture 10: Comparability Analysis Part I
Lecture 11: Comparability Analysis Part II
Lecture 12: Comparability Analysis Part III
Lecture 13: Intra-group Services Part I
Lecture 14: Intra-group Services Part II
Lecture 15: Intangibles Part 1
Lecture 16: Intangibles Part II
Lecture 17: Intangibles Part III
Lecture 18: Cost contribution arrangements
Lecture 19: Cost contribution arrangements
Lecture 20: Financing I
Lecture 21: Financing II
Lecture 22 and 23: Business Restructuring I & II
Lecture 24 and 25: Permanent Establishments I & II
Lecture 26 and 27: Compliance Part I & II
Lecture 28: Dispute