TP Lecture week 10 – Comparability analysis Part I
Follow curriculum – Reading:
OECD TPG Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administration July 2017
Chapter III: A1 to A4.2
Scope of Work for Guidance on the Transactional Profit Split Method, page 55 |
BEPSBEPS stands for "Base Erosion and Profit Shifting". BEPS refers to tax avoidance strategies used by multinational enterprises (MNEs) to exploit gaps and mismatches in the international tax system. By shifting profits from high-tax jurisdictions to low- or no-tax locations, MNEs reduce their overall tax burden, even if little to no economic activity occurs in the low-tax jurisdictions. These practices erode... More Actions 8-10 Final Report |
Intangibles, Risks & Capital, High-Risk Transactions | |
General ongoing reading as the courses advance, reading about 10 pages a week to gain an overview understanding:
An Overview of Transfer Pricing by IBFD
Start your Assignment 3 preparation now – start reading the EXTENSIVE DOCUMENTS: the pre-trial filing of Coca-cola to the US tax court, and the long list of supporting articles, and start summarizing the case using the principles in 1 Reading cases SSRN-id1160925 This may appear as a key exam question as well.
The coca-cola case pre-trial document and articles can be found here: